个人简介:文章楠,女,云南曲靖人,中共党员,工学博士,硕士生导师。研究方向为化工过程强化,主要围绕多相流反应器内流体流动特性、传递强化规律以及酸性气体净化等开展基础及应用研究。近五年在化工领域Chemical Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering Journal, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Separation and Purification Technology等国际权威期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,2022年BETVLCTOR伟德官网下载高层次人才引进。
[1]Zhang-Nan Wen,Yan-Bin Li, Wei Liu, Yong Luo, Liang-Liang Zhang, Guang-Wen Chu*, Flow behavior in a rotating packed bed reactor with single-layer mesh: Effect of fiber cross-sectional shape. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 248, 117147.(化工三大刊)
[2]Zhang-Nan Wen,Wei Wu, Yong Luo, Liang-Liang Zhang, Bao-Chang Sun, Guang-Wen Chu*, Novel wire mesh packing with controllable cross-sectional area in a rotating packed bed: Mass transfer studies. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 16043-16051.(化工三大刊)
[3]Zhang-Nan Wen,Yan-Bin Li, Han-Zhuo Xu, Bao-Chang Sun, Hai-Kui Zou, Guang-Wen Chu*, Desulfurization performance in a HiGee reactor with packings containing different fiber cross-sectional shape. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 287, 120536.(SCI一区)
[4]Zhang-Nan Wen,Yan-Bin Li, Han-Zhuo Xu, Ying-Chun Xu, Bao-Chang Sun, Hai-Kui Zou, Guang-Wen Chu*, Liquid flow behavior in the concentric mesh packing with novel fiber cross-sectional shape in a rotating packed bed. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451, 139094.(SCI一区)
[5]Zhang-Nan Wen,Han-Zhuo Xu, Yan-Bin Li, Liang-Liang Zhang, Hai-Kui Zou, Guang-Wen Chu*, Jian-Feng Chen, Carbon dioxide capture in a HiGee reactor with packing featuring controllable cross-sectional area. Separation and Purification Technology,2023, 305, 122510.(SCI一区)
[6] Yan-Bin Li,Zhang-Nan Wen,Bao-Chang Sun, Yong Luo*, Ke-Jing Gao, Guang-Wen Chu*, Flow patterns, liquid holdup, and wetting behavior of viscous liquids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 252, 117256.(化工三大刊)
[7] Yan-Bin Li,Zhang-Nan Wen,Han-Zhuo Xu, Guang-Wen Chu*, Liang-Liang Zhang*, Jian-Feng Chen, Flow pattern transition and liquid element characteristics in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed: A visual study for viscous fluid. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 260, 117854.(化工三大刊)
[8] Yan-Bin Li,Zhang-Nan Wen,Han-Zhuo Xu, Guang-Wen Chu*, Liang-Liang Zhang*, Jian-Feng Chen, Mass transfer modeling for viscous fluids in a disk-distributor rotating packed bed.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 453, 139604.(SCI一区)
[9] Chi Ma,Zhang-Nan Wen,Bao-Chang Sun*, Yong Luo, Guang-Wen Chu*, Mass transfer intensification mechanism of Al2O3sphere packing in a rotating packed bed. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428, 130953.(SCI一区)
[10] Xiao-Ting Wang,Zhang-Nan Wen,Yong Luo, Bao-Chang Sun, Yan-Yun Shao, Guang-Wen Chu*, Oxygen mass transfer intensification in an inner-loop rotor-stator reactor: Production of sodium gluconate as an example. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2021, 160, 108290.
[11] Hai-Long Gao,Zhang-Nan Wen,Bao-Chang Sun*, Hai-Kui Zou, Guang-Wen Chu*, Intensification of ozone mass transfer for wastewater treatment using a rotating bar reactor Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2022, 176, 108946.