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文章来源:曹小华     发布时间:2023年02月26日     点击数:



入选云南省兴滇英才青年拔尖人才;担任教育部高等学校机械类专业过程装备与控制工程专业分教学指导委员会委员、中国机械工业教育协会新能源与储能工程专业教学委员会委员;获第三届云南省高校教师教学大赛一等奖、云南省优秀博士学位论文;主持国家自然科学基金、云南省科技计划、云南省技术开发、云南省高层次人才培养支持计划等项目共9项;以第一作者(或通讯作者)在Energy Conversion and ManagementEnergyRenewable Energy等期刊上发表学术论文50多篇;在科学出版社独立出版学术专著1本;以第一发明人授权国家发明专利8项。






[1] 2024/03-2027/02,云南省科技计划基础研究专项(No.202401AT070363):间隙无光线逃逸的非成像聚光器模型构建与电热联产耦合机制研究

[2] 2022/12-2027/11,云南省技术开发项目(No.2022530103001938):非成像太阳能聚光系统集成研发及应用示范

[3] 2019/01-2022/12,国家自然科学基金(No.51866005):高增益太阳能非成像聚光器聚能及光热转换机理研究

[4] 2020/01-2024/12,云南省高层次人才培养支持计划(No.YNWRQNBJ2019173):青年拔尖人才专项

[5] 2018/01-2020/12,云南省科技计划项目(No.2017FB092):光伏协同作用的太阳能复合平面聚光系统性能研究




[1] Y. Yi, C. Zheng, L. Xiao, H. Luo, T. Lv,F. Chen*. Model construction and energy harvesting investigation of shell shaped multi-section compound parabolic concentrator with solar vacuum tube.Energy,2024, 294 (2) :130643

[2] L. Xiao, C. Zheng, K. Shi,F. Chen*. Model construction and performance research of the optimized compound parabolic concentrator based on critical truncation and multi-section congruent.Renewable Energy, 2023, 217 (8) :119201

[3] Y. Bie, K. Shi,F. Chen*. Optical and thermal performance-cost evaluation for different segmentation of a novel equal-length multi-section compound parabolic concentrator.Energy,2023, 283 (8) :128483

[4] X. Zhang, J. Li, J. Chen,F. Chen*. Preliminary investigation on optical performance of linear fresnel lens coupled compound parabolic concentrator.Energy,2023, 278 (5) :127910

[5] X. Gao, Y. Li, Y. Liu,F. Chen*. Model construction and combined electric-thermal-hydrogen co-production performance for multi-section compound parabolic concentrator.Energy Conversion and Management,2023, 289 (5) :117182

[6] Y. Liu, Q. Gui, L. Xiao, C. Zheng, Y. Zhang,F. Chen*. Photothermal conversion performance based on optimized design of multi-section compound parabolic concentrator.Renewable Energy, 2023, 209 (4) :286-297

[7] Q. Gui,F. Chen*, Y. Liu, H. Luo. Preliminary study on photo-thermal conversion investigation of compound parabolic concentrator for eliminate light escape in vacuum tube interlayer.Energy, 2023, 271 (3) :126979

[8]X. Zhang, T. Gao, Y. Liu,F. Chen*. Construction and concentrating performance of a critically truncated compound parabolic concentrator without light escape.Energy, 2023, 269 (2) :126843

[9]X. Zhang, S. Jiang, Z. Lin, Q. Gui,F. Chen*. Model construction and performance analysis for asymmetric compound parabolic concentrator with circular absorber.Energy, 2023, 267 (1) :126597

[10]F. Chen*, J. Chen. A novel solution method for reflector shape of solar compound parabolic concentrator and verification.Renewable Energy, 2022, 192 (6) :385-395

[11]F. Chen*, Qinghua Gui. Construction and analysis of a compound parabolic concentrator to eliminate light escape in the interlayer of solar vacuum tube.Renewable Energy, 2022, 191 (4) :225-237

[12]F. Chen*, Y. Liu. Model construction and performance investigation of multi-section compound parabolic concentrator with solar vacuum tube.Energy, 2022, 250 (3) :123887

[13] X. Hu,F. Chen*, Z. Zhang. Model construction and optical properties investigation for multi-sectioned compound parabolic concentrator with particle swarm optimization.Renewable Energy, 2021, 179 (12) :379-394

[14] J. Xu,F. Chen*, C. Deng. Design and analysis of a novel multi-sectioned compound parabolic concentrator with multi-objective genetic algorithm.Energy, 2021, 225 (6) :120216

[15] Y. Li, F. Jiao,F. Chen*, Z. Zhang. Design optimization and optical performance analysis on multi-sectioned compound parabolic concentrator with plane absorber.Renewable Energy, 2021, 168 (5) :913-926

[16] C. Deng,F. Chen*. Model verification and photo-thermal conversion assessment of a novel facade embedded compound parabolic concentrator.Energy, 2021, 220 (4) :119739

[17] E. Xia, J. Xu,F. Chen*. Investigation on structural and optical characteristics for an improved compound parabolic concentrator based on cylindrical absorber.Energy, 2021, 219 (3) :119683

[18] E. Xia,F. Chen*. Analyzing thermal properties of solar evacuated tube arrays coupled with mini-compound parabolic concentrator.Renewable Energy, 2020, 153 (12) :155-167

[19] C. Deng,F. Chen*. Preliminary investigation on photo-thermal performance of a novel embedded building integrated solar evacuated tube collector with compound parabolic concentrator.Energy, 2020, 202 (6) :117706

[20] C. Gao,F. Chen*. Model building and optical performance analysis on a novel designed compound parabolic concentrator.Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 209 (4) :112619


[1]陈飞,林子鸣,石旷,张恒.一种基于太阳能真空管吸收体的全等面非成像聚光系统,中国发明专利,ZL 202310110542.3

[2]陈飞,高崇,杨春曦,别玉,李才对.一种太阳能供能的吸收式制冷系统,中国发明专利,ZL 201810414567.1

[3]陈飞,蒋硕勋,焦凤,刘洋.一种太阳能真空管光热性能监测装置及监测方法,中国发明专利,ZL 202310473202.7

[4]陈飞,张友阳,桂青华,张恒,周宇锐,唐婷婷.一种基于非成像聚光作用的高效对射型光电开关,中国发明专利,ZL 202310050328.3

[5]陈飞,王鑫,翟持,贾超亚,周绍敏,李炀洁,马宇航,王权,赵明达.一种面体分离的非成像聚光器及其数学模型的构建方法,中国发明专利,ZL 202211565412.0

[6]陈飞,夏恩通.一种圆管型太阳能复合抛物聚光器面形数学模型的构建方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201910761568.8

[7]陈飞,许金韬,董科.一种自动追踪型太阳散辐射测量仪及测量方法,中国发明专利,ZL 202010964623.6

[8]陈飞,高崇,许金韬,杨春曦,别玉,李才对.一种基于太阳能几何光学的高度测量装置及方法,中国发明专利,ZL 201910811165.X
