个人简介:胡建全,男,云南昭通人,中共党员,工学博士,硕士生导师。2022年6月毕业于天津科技大学轻工技术与工程专业,获工学博士学位,导师刘忠/许凤教授,2022年8月入职BETVLCTOR伟德官网下载。主要从事纤维素的溶解改性、生物质基功能性水凝胶材料等方面的工作。近五年在Carbohyd. Polym.、Int. J. Biol. Macromol.、Nanomaterials、Sci. Rep.等国际权威期刊发表论文数篇。
2018.09-2022.06 天津科技大学,轻工技术与工程,工学博士
2015.09-2018.01 长沙理工大学,轻工技术与工程,工程硕士
2011.09-2015.06 长沙理工大学,轻化工程,工学学士
1.Jianquan Hu, Yinglong Wu, Qian Yang, Quanwei Zhou, Lanfeng Hui, Zhong Liu*, Feng Xu*, Dayong Ding*. One-pot freezing-thawing preparation of cellulose nanofibrils reinforced polyvinyl alcohol based ionic hydrogel strain sensor for human motion monitoring.Carbohydrate Polymers, 2022, 275: 118697.
2. Dayong Ding*,Jianquan Hu, Lanfeng Hui, Zhong Liu, Lupeng Shao. Valorization of Miscanthus × giganteus by γ-Valerolactone/H2O/FeCl3system toward efficient conversion of cellulose and hemicelluloses[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021, 270(1): 118388.
3. Yinglong Wu, Jinru Cheng, Qian Yang,Jianquan Hu, Quanwei Zhou, Lingyuan Wang, Zhong Liu*, Lanfeng Hui. Solid acid facilitated deep eutectic solvents extraction of high-purity and antioxidative lignin production from poplar wood[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 193: 64-70.
4. Yang, Qian, Weiyin Su,Jianquan Hu, Yan Xu, Zhong Liu*, and Lanfeng Hui*. Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Cellulose Stearoyl Ester for Oil/Water Separation. Nanomaterials 2022, 12(12): 1964.
5. Qian Yang, Guodong Zhao, Yinglong Wu, Bianzhi Zhang,Jianquan Hu, Lanfeng Hui*, Zhong Liu*. Lab-scale design of two layers wood cellulose filter media to maximize life span for intake air filtration. Scientific Reports, 2021, (11): 3153.
6.胡可信*,胡建全,陈嘉义,陈启杰,张少华,张黛.新型渗透剂对杨木APMP磨浆能耗和纸浆纤维形态的影响[J].中国造纸学报, 2019, 34(1): 7-14.