个人简介: 梁胜,男,湖南益阳人,群众,工学博士。面向造纸和卷烟加工业污水中的难降解、持久性有机污染物的处理需求,主要开展基于光、电催化的高级氧化或还原途径的水处理技术及关键材料开发,并解析关键过程机理。以第一/通讯作者在国内外权威期刊Environmental Science & Technology、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental和Biosensors & Bioelectronics等发表多篇论文。
2023.10-至今 BETVLCTOR伟德官网下载,BETVLCTOR伟德官网下载,专任教师
2022.01-2023.09 深圳技术大学,健康与环境工程学院,博士后
2021.07-2021.12 深圳市环境科学研究院,国家环境保护饮用水水源地管理技术重点实验室,工
2018.09-2021.06 华南理工大学,环境与能源学院,博士
2015.09-2018.01 湖南科技大学,化学化工学院,硕士
2011.09-2015.06 湖南科技大学,化学化工学院,本科
1. Liang Sheng; Zhu, Liuyi; Hua Jian; et al., Fe2+/HClO Reaction Produces FeIVO2+: An Enhanced Advanced Oxidation Process, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54: 6406-6414
2. Liang Sheng; Hu Xiaoting; Xu, Haolin; et al., Mechanistic Insight Into the Reaction Pathway of Peroxomonosulfate-Initiated Decomplexation of EDTA-Ni(II) under Alkaline Conditions: Formation of High-Valent Ni Intermediate, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 296: 120375
3. Liang Sheng; Zheng Wenxiao; Zhu Liuyi; et al., One-step treatment of phosphite-laden wastewater: A single electrochemical reactor integrating superoxide radical-induced oxidation and electrocoagulation, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53: 5328-5336
4. Zheng Wenxiao; Zhu Liuyi; Liang Sheng; et al., Discovering the Importance of ClO• center dot in a Coupled Electrochemical System for the Simultaneous Removal of Carbon and Nitrogen from Secondary Coking Wastewater Effluent, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54: 9015-9024
5. Xu Haolin; Chen Rundong; Liang Sheng; et al., Minimizing Toxic Chlorinated Byproducts during Electrochemical Oxidation of Ni-EDTA: Importance of Active Chlorine-triggered Fe(II) Transition to Fe(IV). Water Research, 2022, 219, 118548.
6. Liang Sheng; Kuang Yangfang; Ma Fangfang; et al., A Sensitive Spectro Fluorometric Method for Detection of Berberine Hydrochloride Using Ag Nanoclusters Directed by Natural Fish Sperm DNA, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2016, 85: 758-763
湖南省自然科学奖 三等奖