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文章来源:曹小华     发布时间:2024年05月30日     点击数:







近五年发表研究论文23篇,包括以第一作者/通讯作者在Journal of Cleaner Production、Separation and Purification Technology等期刊发表SCI一区论文8篇,SCI二区论文4篇,Google Scholar引用次数335次,H-index 10。以第一发明人授权发明专利3项。










[1]Shi, C., Xie, C., Zhang, Z., Rackemann, D., Wei, B., Hang, F., Lu, H., Li, K. and Doherty, W.O., Sugar and value-added products derived from retentate concentrate of sugarcane juice.Journal of Cleaner Production,278,2021, P.123915.

[2]Shi, C., Rackemann, D.W., Moghaddam, L., Wei, B., Li, K., Lu, H., Xie, C., Hang, F. and Doherty, W.O., Ceramic membrane filtration of factory sugarcane juice: effect of pretreatment on permeate flux, juice quality and fouling.Journal of Food Engineering,2019, 243: 101-113.

[3]Isha Sharma, Darryn Rackemann, Athukoralalage Don K. Deshan, Luqman Atanda, Adrian Baker, William O.S. Doherty, Lalehvash Moghaddam,Changrong Shi *.Selective depolymerization of sugarcane bagasse anaerobic digestate to highly stable phenols-rich bio-oil with the iron-doped K-Feldspar catalyst.Waste Management, 2023, 172, 11-24.

[4]Zhao, Z., Shi, M., Hassanpour, M.,Shi, C*. and Zhang, Z. Separation and characterisation of glyceryl glycosides and lignin from acid-catalysed glycerol pretreatment hydrolysate of sugarcane bagasse.Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, p.124369.

[5]Hu, N., Hang, F., Li, K., Liao, T., Rackemann, D., Zhang, Z.,Shi, C*.and Xie, C.**, Temperature-regulated formation of hierarchical pores and defective sites in MIL-121 for enhanced adsorption of cationic and anionic dyes.Separation and Purification Technology, 314,2023. p.123650.

[6]Wang, S.1, Xie, C.1, Wang, S., Hang, F., Li, W., Li, K., Mann, A., Sarina, S., Doherty, W. andShi, C.* Facile ultrasonic-assisted one-step preparation of sugarcane bagasse carbon sorbent for bio-based odor removal cat litter formulation. Industrial Crops and Products,2022.187, p.115493.

[7]Sharma, I., Rackemann, D., Ramirez, J., Cronin, D.J., Moghaddam, L., Beltramini, J.N., Te'o, J., Li, K.,Shi, C.*and Doherty, W.O.**. Exploring the potential for biomethane production by the hybrid anaerobic digestion and hydrothermal gasification process: A review.Journal of Cleaner Production,2022. p.132507.

[8]Meng, L., Li, K., Li, J., Shang, Y., Cui, F., Hou, C., Wang, Q., Hang, F., Li, W.,Shi, C.*.,Xie, C.* and Doherty WOS. Understanding the pathways for irreversible aggregate clusters formation in concentrated sugarcane juice derived from the membrane clarification process.LWT,2021p.112204.

[9]Ge, Y., Li, K., Xie, C., Xu, Y.,Shi, C*., Hang, F*. and Doherty, W.O. Formation of Volatile and Aroma Compounds during the Dehydration of Membrane-Clarified Sugarcane Juice to Non-Centrifugal Sugar.Foods,10(7),2021, p.1561.

[10]Zhu, Z., Xie, C., Li, W., Hang, F., Li, K.*,Shi, C.*, & Doherty, W. O. Nutritional and antioxidant properties of non-centrifugal cane sugar derived from membrane clarified juice.LWT,2020, 109717.

[11]Wang, C., Luo, M., Xie, C., Li, K., Hang, F*.,Shi, C*. and Doherty, W.O. Effective Adsorption of Colorants from Sugarcane Juice by Bagasse-Based Biochar-Hydroxyapatite Composite.Foods,2022.11(14), p.2171.

[12]Zhang, Z., Yu, J., Cheng, P., Wang, S., Hang, F., Li, K., Xie, C*. andShi, C.*. Effect of Different Process Parameters and Ultrasonic Treatment During Solid Osmotic Dehydration of Jasmine for Extraction of Flavoured Syrup on the Mass Transfer Kinetics and Quality Attributes.Food and Bioprocess Technology,2022. 15(5), pp.1055-1072.


(1)史昌蓉;李凯;杭方学;陆海勤;李红;谢彩锋;刘继栋;邓立高;李文;蒙丽丹;曲睿晶;兰梅娟;李一;一种富多酚功能性黑糖的加工方法, 2020-05-08,中国, ZL 2016 1 0670593.1

(2)史昌蓉;李凯;徐勇士;周昊;杭方学;陆海勤;李红;谢彩锋;刘继栋;邓立高;李文;蒙丽丹;曲睿晶;兰梅娟;李一;一种富多酚功能性黑糖的生产工艺, 2020-05-08,中国, ZL 2016 1 0665237.0

(3)史昌蓉;李凯;李文;黄玭;杭方学;陆海勤;李红;陆登俊;谢彩锋;项俊华;一种改进的糖汁蒸发设备, 2019-03-05,中国, ZL 2015 1 0155643.8
